Group in London tasks western media on balanced reporting

BARELY two weeks to the general elections in Nigeria, a group of concerned Nigerians in London has advocated for a fair and balanced coverage by the international media.

The group, which comprised members and supporters of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and All progressives Party (APC) converged in central London on Monday to embark on a tour of two major international media houses. However, the tour did not hold as scheduled and was postponed till next week.

They had planned to visit the CNN, and BBC who both have a wide reach in Nigeria.

The group’s leader, Mr Godson Azu, told the Europe Correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the move was against negative coverage of events in Nigeria by a section of the western media.

Azu who is also the General Secretary of the Nigerians In Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) said that: “This is to enable the global community to have the right information on happenings in Nigeria.

“We are advocating balanced information dissemination weather on the issues of elections, Boko Haram, and political crisis. All we want is correct information without stereotypes.”

Similarly, Mr John Omotola, the APC UK youth leader said members of both parties had shared interest in having a positive coverage of the 2015 general elections.

“On this issue we are not divided. We are here as Nigerians who seek for a better Nigeria.

“We want the international community to be well informed through balanced reportage of happenings back home,” Omotola said.

NAN reports that the media tour initiative was the first time members of both parties are joining forces for a common cause. (NAN)

